When you feel ready to discuss the funeral arrangements, J Lawrence & Sons will be here to help. We offer tailored arrangements that celebrate and honour the life of your loved one. We’ll provide an initial consultation at whatever location is convenient to you, whether it’s our office or your own home.
Some of the important decisions to be made when planning a funeral include the following:
This decision is a very personal one. Religious beliefs may have a bearing on the choice that is made. A burial may be seen as a more permanent resting place, though cremation may give more options of where the cremated remains are finally placed.
There is a choice of three crematoriums in Southampton:
The main cemeteries in Southampton are council-owned. They are Hollybrook, South Stoneham, St. Mary Extra, Millbrook and Southampton Old (reopened graves only). There are other cemeteries in the surrounding boroughs.
Whether the funeral is a burial or a cremation, the service can be held in a church beforehand. If a church service is inappropriate, then the service can be held in the chapels at the cemeteries or the crematorium.
If a religious service is inappropriate, then there are non-religious speakers available to take services, either British Humanist Association Celebrants or independent speakers.
Whether the service is in a church or a chapel, hymns can be sung or recorded music can be played. Recorded music at all the local crematoriums is provided by Obitus. The list of available music can be browsed online at Obitus.
We can place notices in national and regional papers for you. Notices placed in The Daily Echo also appear online.
We can arrange flowers for you. However, if you prefer to use your usual florist then we usually ask for them to be delivered 2 hours before the funeral or the previous afternoon.
We will collect and forward donations to your chosen charity. Usually, donations will be held for up to 6 weeks before we send them to the charity. We then send you a list of all the donors and the final amount we received (however, a list can be forwarded to you at any time).
We have our 2024 Mercedes Benz Hearse and Limousine as well as our Jaguar hearse and limousine. Each limousine can seat up to seven mourners and we can hire additional limousines if required.
The limousine/s would also return you to your chosen destination after the service. Alternatively, you may, of course, decide that you would rather use your own cars.
You can choose to meet the hearse at the venue for the service or you can follow it there, leaving from our premises, the deceased’s home or your own home.
We can also provide a horse-drawn hearse if requested.
We offer a comprehensive range of coffins from traditional style solid wood and veneered coffins to the more modern designs:
Making the decision to come and view your loved one can be difficult. You may wish to remember them as they were in happier times or if they had been in some discomfort leading up to the death, you may wish to see them at peace.
Many families find providing clothing can be very helpful. It can be comforting to know that your loved one is dressed as they would wish to be. If clothing isn’t provided, then we have gowns that we would use instead.
Cremated remains can be scattered in the crematorium garden of rest or, if there is a family grave, scattered on or buried in the grave. They can be placed in a churchyard if available.
Alternatively, you may wish to keep them at home or you can scatter them at a favourite location (permission may be required).
We will retain them at our premises for as long as required, whilst you make your final decision. We have a range of caskets/urns available for all options.
Depending on your personal circumstances you may be entitled to some financial assistance. Please visit the gov.uk website for more information.