What Will Be Discussed When You Visit Our Funeral Parlour in Eling?
At J Lawrence & Sons, we provide various funeral services, and these must be tailored to the deceased. Such services provided by our funeral parlour, Eling residents, include:
- Coffins and Caskets
- Cremation and Burial Services
- Funeral Flowers
- Memorial Services
- Death Registration
- Music and Obituary Options
If you opt for a burial, we’ll discuss whether you wish for your loved one to be buried in a coffin or casket. We’ll be happy to discuss the differences and show you the available options. Conversely, if you choose cremation services, we’ll show you our range of urns, should you decide to take the remains home with you. Otherwise, these can be interred in a family grave or spread in our crematorium garden or in a location of your choosing.
For burial services, our funeral parlour in Eling can arrange for the body to be interred in a family grave or buried in one of three main cemeteries with which we have close ties. A suitable memorial service will be planned and will be either religious or non-religious, depending on your preferences. This will also determine what type of music is played and whether hymns or non-religious pieces are to be spoken.
Our Eling funeral parlour can also be called on to take care of other considerations, such as arranging flowers and requesting obituaries to be posted. And, of course, we help with registering the death too.
Don’t worry about hastening the process; take all the time you need. We’ll make sure nothing is forgotten about or left to chance. You can trust that when the day comes, everything will be just the way you want it; a fitting tribute to someone near and dear to you. To make a start, get in touch with our funeral parlour in Eling now.