The Options Offered by Our Totton Funeral Parlour
The first decision that needs to be made at our funeral parlour in Totton is that between a burial or a cremation. Sometimes, burials are considered to be a more permanent and traditional resting place. A cremation, on the other hand, may give you more options of where the remains are to be placed or scattered, depending on the deceased’s instructions.
For burials and cremations alike, the services can be held in a church. If you believe that a religious service isn’t appropriate for your loved one, our funeral parlour in Totton can arrange for it to be held at one of the chapels instead.
You may be wondering about the available speakers for a non-religious service at our funeral parlour. Totton, J Lawrence & Sons has contacts with the British Humanist Association and several independent speakers as well that come with glowing recommendations and testimonials.
When it comes to music, for religious services, hymns can be sung. Alternatively, recorded music can be played if there’s a specific selection of songs you had in mind, such as a long-time favourite of your loved one.
Once all of the abovementioned options have been finalised to your satisfaction, we will also go over the following final touches:
- Caskets and Coffins
- Donations at the Service
- Flower Arrangements
- Placing Obituary Notices in Local Newspapers
- Vehicles and Transportation