When you are ready to begin discussing your loved one’s funeral arrangements, we at J Lawrence & Sons will be here to help. We offer funeral services that are tailored to your loved one, so you can plan a funeral that celebrates and honours their life.
Our team will start with an initial consultation at a location that is convenient for you – this can be our offices or even your own home should you prefer. We will sit down with you and talk you through every step of the funeral arrangements, from burial or cremation services, church or chapel, and religious or non-religious service to the transport, flowers, music, and more. We can even help you with placing the obituary notice in national and regional papers.
One of the decisions you will need to make is whether you plan a burial services or a cremation service, but this is a decision we can help you make. There are many different types of burial services available, and the exact requirements will depend on your decision and your loved one. We will consult with you, ensuring your choice reflects your loved one’s needs.
We understand that personal preferences or religious beliefs may factor into this decision but rest assured that we can cater to all requests. Your loved one can be placed in a family grave if there is one, and the service can be held in a church (we also offer non-religious services in our chapels).
If a burial service isn’t the right choice for your loved one, we can also offer cremation services too. Many choose cremation services for religious beliefs or because there are more options regarding where the remains are finally placed. Regardless of your reason, we can help you plan your loved one’s cremation funeral services in Hedge End.
There are three crematoriums in the Hedge End area we work with – Southampton Crematorium, Wessex Vale Crematorium, and Test Valley Crematorium. Cremated remains can be scattered in the crematorium garden of rest or a family grave if there is one, and they can also be placed in a churchyard or kept at home.
We understand that there are many people who worry about the cost of their funeral and the stress this will place on their families. This is why many people opt to invest in a pre-paid funeral plan in Hedge End, as this allows you to not only plan your desired service, taking that hassle off your family but also cover the cost of your funeral too.
A pre-paid funeral plan from Golden Charter, which we partner with, covers not only the funeral director’s services but also includes an allowance towards third-party costs such as cremation or burial services, officiant fees, and more. We will discuss your wishes and tailor a pre-paid funeral plan to suit these needs.