Version 1. From 21st May 2018.
Our company name is: J. Lawrence & Sons (Undertakers) Ltd., 17, St. Denys Road, Portswood, Southampton. SO17 2GN.
We are Registered in England, Registration No. 611953
We: J. Lawrence & Sons (Undertakers) Ltd., are committed to protecting any personal information that we may collect from you.
Our Privacy Policy contains important information about the personal details we collect from you, how we process the information, the person/s / organisations we share it with and why, and your choices and rights regarding the personal information you have provided to us.
At times we may need make amendments and changes to our Privacy Policy details of which can be requested from the above office or on our Website. If there are are important changes as to where and how your personal data is processed, we will endeavour to contact you to make you aware of these changes.
Information from you that we collect and process for the purposes of making Funeral Arrangements
Your and family member/s name/s, address, contact telephone number/s and email address/es.
Information regarding the name, age, religion, Doctor, occupation and next of kin / Executor as necessary for making Funeral Arrangements.
Information about your contact with us, phone calls, face to face meeting/s, email/s, letter/s etc.
Sensitive / Personal Information regarding the deceased for example: Health, Marital / Civil Partnership status. This information is only collected and used where necessary to fulfill our instructions from you regarding the Funeral Arrangements or where legally required.
Required information provided to us for the Application and Administering of Pre Paid Funeral Plans.
When, where and how we collect your information
The information we obtain from you is processed in a number of ways.
Phone call/s and or email/s.
Application Form/s for Cemeteries / Crematoria / Pre Paid Funeral Plan/s etc.
Meeting/s with you with member/s of our staff.
Care/Nursing home/s, Hospital/s, Coroner’s Office, to ensure we have, or to update/improve the information we have for contacting you.
What information we collect from you and why.
Your privacy is of the upmost importance to us and the information we collect from you is only used where necessary and required by Law. The information that you provide us will only be used/shared where:
Your permission has been given to allow us to forward your contact details regarding products or services we believe may be of help or interest or benefit to you.
Legally or legitimately required by a third party for example: Hospital, Doctor/s, Mortuary, Cemetery, Crematorium Office, Minister / Celebrant, Stonemason, Charity/ies, Florist etc.
Application has been made for example for a Pre Paid Funeral Plan for which your date of birth, name in full, address, and Bank details may be required.
If you do not authorise us to collect and use your personal information for theses purposes we may not be able to make the required funeral arrangements / services on your behalf.
The third parties with whom your information could be shared comprise of:
Church office / Minister of Religion, Celebrants, Organist’s, Cemetery or Crematorium Office, Medical Referee, Coroner’s Office, Stonemason/s, Doctor/s at Hospital/Hospice, GP / Surgery of the deceased, providers of refreshments/catering, Charitable organisation/s when forwarding donations sent in lieu of flowers.
In the case of a death requiring Repatriation either to or from the United Kingdom your details would need to be provided to a Funeral Director and Consulate or Embassy, Coroner’s Office of the Country where the death occurred within the European Union to enable the Repatriation., and any third party with whom your information would be deemed necessary.
Where your information is processed.
The information that you provide to us is processed at our above Office: 17, St. Denys Road, Portswood, Southampton. SO17 2GN.
How we protect your information.
Information and system security is of the upmost importance to us and we endeavour to always adhere to our obligations. Personal information from our clients that is collected, recorded, written, or used online will be subject to our stringent safeguards in accordance to our data protection requirements.
The information we obtain is protected by measures designed to minimise loss or damage due to accident, negligence or deliberate actions. Our staff also protect sensitive and/or confidential when storing or sending information electronically and are subject to training updates on this, annually.
Period of time for which we keep your information.
We will hold the information we collect from you for as long as is necessary and until our services and your instructions have been fulfilled.
We will also (with your permission) securely hold your information only for our future reference.
The information we hold will not be used for marketing of any description and will not be shared with any third party.
Log data
We want to inform you that whenever you visit our Service, we collect information that your browser sends to us that is called Log Data. This Log Data may include information such as your computer’s Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, browser version, pages of our Service that you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on those pages, and other statistics.
Cookies are files with small amount of data that is commonly used an anonymous unique identifier. These are sent to your browser from the website that you visit and are stored on your computer’s hard drive.
Our website uses these “cookies” to collection information and to improve our Service. You have the option to either accept or refuse these cookies, and know when a cookie is being sent to your computer. If you choose to refuse our cookies, you may not be able to use some portions of our Service.
We value your trust in providing us your Personal Information, thus we are striving to use commercially acceptable means of protecting it. But remember that no method of transmission over the internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure and reliable, and we cannot guarantee its absolute security.
Links to other sites
Our Service may contain links to other sites. If you click on a third-party link, you will be directed to that site. Note that these external sites are not operated by us. Therefore, we strongly advise you to review the Privacy Policy of these websites. We have no control over, and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party sites or services.
Your individual rights
Your rights regarding the way J. Lawrence & Sons (Undertakers) Ltd., handles your information are:
Right of to be informed – You have the right to receive clear and easy to understand information on the personal information we have and with whom we share it.
Right of access – You have the right to request at anytime to access the information that we hold on you and to request your information be rectified. If any information we hold is incorrect or incomplete, you can request that this is corrected.
Right to request deletion of information – You can request that all information held and stored by J Lawrence & Sons (Undertakers) Ltd., is deleted or removed if there is no legal or justifiable reason for it to be held.
Right to restrict processing of information – You can request that we block or suppress the processing of your personal information for certain reasons. This means that we are still permitted to keep your information – but only to ensure we don’t use it in the future for those reasons you have restricted.
Right to data portability – You can request for a copy of your personal information. In certain circumstances, you may move, copy or transfer the information we hold to another company in a safe and secure way. For example , if you request to move/transfer a Funeral Plan to another provider.
Right to object – You can object to J. Lawrence & Sons (Undertakers) Ltd., processing your personal information where: it is based on our legitimate interests; for marketing; and if we were using it for scientific/historical research and statistics.
How to make a complaint
We will always strive to collect , use and safeguard your personal information in line with data protection laws. If you wish to make a complaint about the way in which your personal data is processed by J. Lawrence & Sons (Undertakers) Ltd., (or any of the third parties above), or how your complaint has been handled, you have the right to lodge your complaint with J. Lawrence & Sons (Undertakers) Ltd., and directly with the Supervisory Authority.
The Data Protection Officer
JLawrence & Sons (Undertakers) Ltd.
17, St. Denys Road, Portswood,
SO17 2GN
Tel: 023 80554801
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House.
Water Lane,
SK9 5AF.