Planning a funeral can be a daunting experience. You’re already contending with your grief, and now you must make decisions concerning an event of huge significance. It’s easy to get lost and be unsure as to what’s the best steps to take. Make life easier by turning to our funeral home, Southampton residents. You can come to us, or we can come to you, whichever is easier. If a plan exists, we’ll discuss this with you and set about carrying it out on your behalf.
If no plan exists, we’ll discuss certain specifics with you, and you’ll need to make decisions for our Southampton funeral home to act on. These decisions relate to:
- Burial or Cremation
- Coffins and Caskets
- Flower Arrangements
- Music Requirements
- Obituary Notices
- Religious or Non-Religious Service
- Service in a Church or a Chapel
You can also elect to use your own florist though we require that all funeral flowers be delivered to the church or chapel two hours before the memorial is due to begin. This is so we can get set up in time, ensuring no delays.
Memorial Services
Easily one of the most important parts, the memorial service is where everyone gathers in the church or chapel to say their final goodbyes. A religious service is typically carried out in a church and led by a minister or someone of the faith. When consulting with our Southampton funeral home, you can choose from a wide range of hymns that will be sung through the service.
We also have excellent links with independent speakers as well as celebrants from the British Humanist Association if you’re planning a non-religious service. Non-religious services are usually carried out in our chapel, and we have an excellent catalogue of songs that can be played throughout.
A eulogy will often be given, and this can be read by a family member, close friend, or whoever is leading the service.
Prepaid Plans
The prospect of planning a funeral can be overwhelming enough, and that’s before you have to contend with the financial cost. It can be heartbreaking when money limits your capabilities to give your loved one the send-off they deserve. The good news is that our Southampton funeral home has partnered with Golden Charter Funeral Plans, so you can take care of your own funeral arrangements for when the time comes.
Prepaid funeral plans provide an easy way to plan and organise your own funeral arrangements, such as whether you wish to be buried or cremated. They can be tailored to your exact requirements, such as your floral or musical preferences. And each plan can be paid for through manageable instalments. When the time comes, the plan can be executed, freeing your family and friends of any financial worry. For more information, contact our Southampton funeral home.